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Home | News & Performance | How are we doing? | Q1,Q2 Sheffield's Assurance Update 2014/15

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Q1,Q2 Sheffield's Assurance Update 2014/15

There are four domains which the CCG are assessed on, the following is a summary of our position against each of these:-

  1. Are local people getting good quality care?

CCGs need to ensure the providers they commission services from are delivering safe, good quality services and compassionate care and that there are processes in place to quickly identify and address any concern.

The challenges across the health system, both nationally and locally, with regard to demand on A&E and wider hospital services have also been experienced in Sheffield. The CCG is working closely with all providers to ensure that that these challenges are being addressed and the delivery of safe, good quality services is maintained.

Sheffield CCG was successful in achieving an NHS England ‘Quality Premium Payment’ in recognition of the level of improvements in the quality of the services that the CCG commissions, and for associated improvements in health outcomes. This non-recurrent payment of £1.7 million will be used during 2014/15, to further improve the quality of services; improve outcomes from the provision of health services; reduce inequalities in access to or outcomes achieved from health services – see section 4. for details of how these funds will be used.

Assessment of the CCG’s own performance against key local and national quality measures continue to be reported in the CCG monthly Quality and Outcomes Report.

  1. Are patient rights under the NHS Constitution being promoted?

During Quarter 1 and 2 of 2014/15, Sheffield has continued to achieve the national standards for cancer waiting times. This is in contrast to the overall national position where, in some areas, the maximum waiting times for patients to be seen have not been met.

Additionally, the CCG is working closely with local providers on ensuring that the vast majority of patients can be seen within 18 weeks from their referral for consultant-led treatment. This includes a focus on delivery of national NHS initiatives whereby hospitals will undertake additional work to ensure patients currently waiting longer than 18 weeks are seen and treated at the earliest opportunity. 

  1. Are health outcomes improving for local people?

Building on the progress made in 2013/14 Sheffield continues to pursue reductions in the numbers of avoidable emergency admissions, improving access to psychological therapies, reducing premature deaths from conditions such as cardiovascular disease and cancer, and preventing hospital acquired infection.

The CCG is working together with Sheffield City Council and local communities, to make changes to ensure we work in a more integrated way – working to bring together NHS care, social care, and other forms of care and support provided in people’s homes and communities.

Work is underway by the CCG to improve help improve knowledge and expertise across the local health system with regard to mental health and the importance of valuing mental health equally with physical health.

  1. Are CCGs delivering services within their financial plans?

In setting out its first five-year financial plan as a CCG, Sheffield committed to maintaining strong financial management and delivery of sustainable health services for the people of Sheffield. We continue to meet the challenge of delivering improvements in health services and health outcomes within the resources available.

The CCG’s additional (non-recurrent) ‘Quality Premium Payment’ of £1.7 million is being used as follows:-

Further details of CCG finances and expenditure are available in our CCG Finance Report.

[Image - NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group]

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