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Home | News & Performance | How are we doing? | Q2 Sheffield's Assurance Update 2013/14

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Q2 Sheffield's Assurance Update 2013/14

A traffic light system is used in the NHS to easily show how well we are achieving our aims – Green means we are fully compliant; amber means we are close to being compliant but may have some areas needing improvement; red means we are not yet achieving all that we intend.

1. Are local people getting good quality care? AMBER-GREEN

CCGs need to ensure the providers they commission services from are delivering good quality services and that there are processes in place to quickly identify and address any concerns. The Amber-Green score for Sheffield reflects continued work by the CCG with providers to ensure that any incidents where patients, staff or members of the public may suffer harm are investigated and addressed promptly.

2. Are patient rights under the NHS Constitution being promoted? GREEN

NHS Constitution rights & pledges are about how long patients wait to be seen and to receive treatment. Sheffield CCG has continued to meet all of these commitments.

3. Are health outcomes improving for local people? RED

Sheffield CCG has continued to show good progress on locally selected outcomes (e.g. reducing waiting times for Speech and Language Therapy at Sheffield Children’s Hospital) as well as national priorities (including improving patients’ experience of hospital care). 

The Red score reflects that a case of the MRSA infection resulting from medical care or treatment in hospital has been reported for a Sheffield patient when, in line with national targets, the aim was to have zero cases of MRSA for the whole year. However, Sheffield continues to be in a strong position overall on the prevention of hospital acquired infection.

4. Are CCGs delivering services within their financial plans? AMBER-GREEN

Sheffield CCG continues to be effective in managing the financial pressures of delivering improvements in health services and health outcomes within the resources available.

The Amber-Green score reflects that during July- Sept, Sheffield achieved all of its financial duties but some of the service change plans were slightly behind schedule.

5. Are conditions of CCG authorisation being addressed and removed (where relevant)? FULLY AUTHORISED

Sheffield CCG was fully authorised without conditions.

[Image - NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group]

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