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There are different arrangements for continuing care for people aged under 18. 

Some young people, who are eligible for children's continuing healthcare, may also become eligible for continuing healthcare for adults.  However, the young person would need to have a new assessment for adult continuing healthcare. This is part of transition planning.  Any person who is eligible for children's continuing healthcare should be referred for an assessment for services when they are an adult, once they become 16 years old.  This provides time for an assessment to be completed and for any discussions about the care the CCG will offer, before their 18th birthday. 

NHS continuing care is support provided for children and young people under 18 who need a tailored package of care because of their disability, an accident or illness.  Sheffield Children's Hospital publishes a leaflet about continuing care for children, which you can access here.

Further information about continuing care for Children is available on the NHS Choices website, which you can link to here.You can also find further information about continuing care for children in Sheffield on the slides.

This is a printable version of https://www.sheffieldccg.nhs.uk/Your-Health/can-children-and-young-people-have-continuing-healthcare.htm?pr=