Following extensive trials,  the Pfizer/BioNTech, Oxford/AstraZeneca and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are now available. All vaccines have been shown to be safe and offer high levels of protection, and have been given regulatory approval by the MHRA. 

Who can have the vaccine?

Everyone aged 16 and over can now book their first, second and booster covid vaccination. See below for details on where to get your vaccine.

Everyone aged 16 and over will be offered a first, second and booster vaccination.

Healthy children aged 12 to 15 are being offered two doses.

Where can I have my covid vaccine?

There are a number of vaccination clinics, including 14 pharmacy led sites, across the city offering covid vaccinations. If you're aged 16 or older, you can book your vaccine at, by calling 119 or you can attend one of the walk-in clinics across Sheffield - find walk in clinics here. 

Children aged 12 to 15 years can get their vaccinations at school, by booking online or through 119 or at a walk-in clinic.

Children aged 5-11 with specific underlying health conditions will be contacted by the NHS and offered a vaccine, please don't contact your GP about these vaccinations.

Booster vaccinations

The booster vaccine is a top up of the first two doses. Every one aged 16 and over are now eligible to book their booster dose. You need to wait three months after your 2nd dose to have your booster but you can pre-book from two months. You can book your booster on the National Booking Service, by calling 119, or attend a walk-in clinic

You will be offered Pfizer or Moderna for your booster or third dose, even if you didn’t have these for your first and second dose. Trials have shown that these two vaccines give the best immune response when used as booster or third doses.

If you are unable to have Pfizer or Moderna for medical reasons, AstraZeneca may be given as an alternative. Your GP or pharmacist will discuss this with you.

Please don’t contact your GP with enquiries about booster vaccinations. 

For more information about the booster jabs, read here.

3rd dose vaccinations 

People with a weakened immune system are being offered a 3rd dose of a Covid-19 vaccine. This is also known as a third primary dose. Third primary doses are not booster vaccinations. If you had a weakened immune system when you had your first two doses, the vaccine may not have given you as much protection as it can for people who do not have a weakened immune system. The third dose is being offered to a specific group of people who are immunocompromised.

The NHS and GPs will contact those who are eligible for the third dose. If you think you should have a third dose but haven’t been contacted yet get in touch with your hospital consultant or GP.

People who have had a 3rd dose will be offered a booster six months after their third. It’s important to have all vaccinations offered.

Can I get my covid vaccine if I do not have a NHS number?

Information about how to access the covid vaccine if you do not have a NHS number

Easy read information

What to expect from your COVID-19 vaccination 

Vaccine information videos in other languages 

 Information Leaflets from 


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