A Community Specialist Palliative Care Nurse with a specific remit for nursing care homes is based at St Luke’s Hospice.

The aims of the role are:

  • To work in an advisory and supportive capacity with care homes and general practitioners to ensure individual needs of the patient and family are met.
  • To support patients and their families/carers during a very difficult time in their life.
  • In partnership with the patient, family/carer and nursing home staff to develop a care plan, based on individual assessment.
  • To give support and advice for care home staff on issues affecting end of life care and promote the hospice philosophy.

Professionals can make referrals by completing a Specialist Palliative Care Referral form. Referrals will be considered for:

  • Any patient with palliative care needs who meets the criteria. 
  • Patients with complex psychological needs and communication issues.
  • Support with end of life care planning to support care in the home.
  • Symptom management.

The Sheffield Care Home Support Team offers advice & educational support to both residential & nursing home staff.

A list of care homes, residential and nursing, is available  on the Sheffield  City Council website.

Inspection reports for care homes can be viewed on the Care Quality Commission website.

This is a printable version of https://www.sheffieldccg.nhs.uk/Your-Health/end-of-life-care/palliative-care-in-sheffield/care-homes.htm?pr=