Expansion in 2016/17 – the Offer

2016/17 - Delivery

  • Continuing Healthcare (Adults & Children) and children with special education needs (SEND )current uptake is 182 Personal Health Budgets
  • Re-provision of Longley Meadows Adult Learning Disabilities respite service. The block contract is being reviewed and re-commissioned by April 2017. As part of the redesign, we will identify whether any of the current cohorts of to 38 service users would be eligible for and wish to utilise a PHB to buy alternative provision. It is envisaged that 1-2percent of the budget could be ring-fenced for PHBs in year 1 (16/17). The money from the block budget would need to transfer into CHC to implement the individual commissioning. The offer of PHBs should be made across the full population in relation to respite care/ short breaks over the next 2 years. This will need implementation through the current Care Management procedures of CHC and Assessment and Care Management
  • Patients subject to S117 after-care as part of the Mental Health Act 1983 (joint funding arrangement between SCC & SCCG 50/50), and offer PHBs for their packages of community support. Proposal is to offer 20% of eligible patients this year; number of individuals eligible to be confirmed
  • Individual Funding Requests (IFRs) – potential scope is for patients with Brain Injury, and also a small number of patients that the nature of their requests are not provided for in mainstream services


Expansion in 2017/18 – 2020/21 – the Offer

2017/18 - Delivery

  • Roll out of PHB offered budgets to patients subject to S117 after-care as part of the Mental Health Act 1983 (joint funding arrangement between SCC & SCCG 50/50), and offer PHBs for their packages of community support. Proposal is to offer 80% of eligible patients this year; number of individuals eligible to be confirmed
  • Children with Learning Disabilities respite services – to offer 32 PHBs

2018/19 - Delivery

  • Transforming care Programme (South Yorkshire & North Lincolnshire CCGs) for adult learning disability inpatient beds, with the aim to reduce number of beds and offer community solutions. By 2018/19 we will have offered 7 individual PHBs
  • Frequent attendees to A&E and emergency admissions – risk stratification top 100 – to be refreshed and confirmed in the 2017/18 Offer
  • Personality disorders cohort of patients - to be developed and confirmed in the 2017/18 Offer. This will involve un-picking a block contract
  • Post-Traumatic  Stress Disorder cohorts of patients – the Local Authority are keen to explore the service in relation to Veterans – to be developed and confirmed in the 2017/18 Offer. This will involve un-picking a block contract

2019/20 – 2020/21 – Delivery

  • In regards to the future expansion of PHBs in this stage, the CCG will pay due regard to its legal duties in respects to equality and health inequalities and consult widely as the local plans develop. Learning from the implementation in previous years and learning from other CCGs will help in refreshing our local Offer.

This is a printable version of https://www.sheffieldccg.nhs.uk/Your-Health/how-we-intend-to-expand-the-offer-of-personal-health-budgets.htm?pr=