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When the Checklist has been completed, it is sent to the Continuing Healthcare Team at Sheffield CCG, where it is screened.  The CCG will decide whether the person should be assessed for eligibility for CHC based on the Checklist and any supporting information that is available.  A Checklist must be completed before an assessment for continuing healthcare begins, unless the person is already eligible for CHC or is being referred for CHC via the Fast Track.  The CCG will make a decision on whether to arrange a full assessment within 2 working days. 

The CCG will write to every person who has been screened for assessment, to tell them whether or not a full assessment will be arranged for them.  If the person has asked us to send a copy of the letter to a family member or another person, we will do so.

This is a printable version of https://www.sheffieldccg.nhs.uk/Your-Health/new_page_9.htm?pr=