FOI Ref: 0036FOI1920 

7th June 2019

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information

We are pleased to respond to your request for information and our response is set out below:

Request/ Response

I am the [redacted], a members’ association formed to support clinicians who provide surgical services in a community setting by offering networking, CPD, audit and peer review. The association is aware that there are providers of vasectomy, carpal tunnel decompression and/or skin cancer surgery in England who are not part of the association. We wish to use this information to understand how many of these provider organisations are not part of our association and make contact.

The details of my request are therefore:

- Does the CCG commission community-based vasectomy or carpal tunnel or skin cancer services? Yes

- Can the CCG provide details of the provider organisations or clinicians who hold these respective contracts?

Community based vasectomy services - provided by Primary Care Sheffield (PCS).

Carpal tunnel – SCCG commissions MSK services from secondary care via a block contract which includes carpal tunnel whereby the provision of wrist splints is provided in the community as part of conservative management from The Wicker Pharmacy.

SCCG does not commission community based skin cancer services.

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