FOI Ref: 0041FOI1920

12th June 2019

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information

We are pleased to respond to your request for information and our response is set out below:

Request/ Response

I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Please confirm or deny:

1. Does the CCG have an existing service specification for anticoagulation services in:

a) primary care              Yes

b) secondary care         No

c) community care        No 

2. If yes, please send me the CCG’s service specification for anticoagulation services for:

a) primary care              Attached (0041FOI1920-02.LCS Anti-coag SS 2019.2020 Final - Service Spec)

b) secondary care         N/A

c) community care        N/A

3. For each of the below settings, how frequently is the anticoagulation service measured against the service specification? Please use the table below to share your answer:


Frequency of anticoagulation service measurement against service specification (Please indicate using an X under the relevant column to indicate all intervals at which the service is measured against the specification, for example if the service has a monthly, quarterly and annual measurement, include an X in each box)





Other (please specify frequency)

Primary care





Secondary care





Community care





4. Please provide a copy of the most recent measurement report for anticoagulation services in:

a) primary care              Attached (0041FOI1920-All providers audit summary)

b) secondary care         N/A

c) community care        N/A

5. For patients with Atrial Fibrillation (AF) on warfarin therapy attending the anticoagulation service, please provide the following information:

a) Does the CCG have in place a minimum service target for the percentage of patients who are within therapeutic range? Yes

b) If yes, what is the CCG’s minimum service target for the percentage of patients who are within therapeutic range? The audit criteria is that patients established on warfarin should be within INR target more than 65% of the time, this isn’t specifically for AF but it does cover AF.

c) For the year 2017/18, what number and percentage of patients were within therapeutic range? Please provide these figures for all data intervals for which this information was collected. The data collected is not separated out into diagnosis; therefore the CCG is unable to provide data as requested.

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