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NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group has been legally dissolved and from 1 July 2022 has been replaced by a new organisation: NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (SY ICB). NHS South Yorkshire ICB is now responsible for commissioning and funding of health and care services locally. Please go to our new website for information about the work of NHS South Yorkshire ICB and details about how to contact us.

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FOI Ref: 0071FOI1920 

6th August 2019 

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information 

We are pleased to respond to your request for information and our response is set out below: 

Request/ Response 

I would be grateful to receive information relating to commissioning arrangements for Special School Nursing and meeting the health needs of Children Looked After, under the Freedom of Information Act/Environmental Information Regulations. 

Part A

1. What was the allocated budget and actual spend for Special School Nursing within the CCG during the last financial year, 01/04/18 – 31/03/19?

2. What was the cost per capita for Special School Nursing between 01/04/18 – 31/03/19?

3. What was the allocated budget and actual spend for School Nursing in Special Schools within the CCG during the last financial year, 01/4/18 – 31/03/19?

4. What was the cost per capita for School Nursing in Special Schools between 01/40/18 – 31/03/19? 

The CCG does not hold the requested information for Part A. Please contact the Local Authority who commission school nursing. Sheffield City Council –

Part B

1. What health services are commissioned by the CCG in order to meet the health needs of CLA?

  • Looked after Children Provider Health services – including paediatricians and nurses and administration services
  • CAMHS for LAC
  • Youth Offending Nurse
  • Project Aspire – Specialist Nurse , Speech and Language Therapist, Psychologist
  • Mulberry Street Surgery (UASC) 

The above are specific to Looked After Children. Looked After Children are in addition able to access health service provided by the CCG (both acute and community) where appropriate to meet their needs.

2. What is the budget allocation for health of CLA service and actual spend? (01/04/18 – 31/03/19)?

The CCG provides funding for the following areas (values are 18/19).

  • Assessments for Children outside of Sheffield £21k
  • Looked after and adoptive child health team including Youth Offending Nurse £226k
  • Project Aspire circa £77k
  • All healthcare treatment costs for LAC are funded as part of larger contracts and not identified separately. 

3. Does the CCG fund all health service provision for CLA? 

No some provision is through the Local Authority.

4. How many health assessments and care leavers assessments for CLA were completed in the last financial year (01/04/18 – 31/03/19)?

We do not hold this data.  All information regarding health assessments is recorded on the Local Authority database by the Looked after Children’s Health Team. The CCG monitors quality and escalation processes with regards any outstanding health assessments through the Designated Nurse LAC.  Up to date assessments are reported to the CCG through an annual report from the Provider Service. 

The service also provides / coordinates statutory health assessments for children placed in to Sheffield from other LA.

5. What is the allocated target time frame for completing health assessments of CLA?  

This is set by the Statutory Guidance – ‘Promoting the Health and Wellbeing of Looked after Children’ 2015 and is also defined in the Children Act 1989 / 2004.

6. How many health assessments for CLA were completed within the target time frame during the last financial year?

We do not hold this data.  All information regarding health assessments is recorded on the Local Authority database by the Looked after Children’s Health Team. The current reporting from the LA reports: Over the past three years the proportion of looked after children to have up to date health assessments has been good and has been maintained at around 95%.  As of March 2019 - 419 out of the 437 looked after children that had been in care for over a year had their health assessments up to date. 

7. How are health needs for children placed for adoption or foster care met by the CCG? 

These are children that are still looked after and therefore the service given is equitable for all children in care.

8. What health service provision is allocated to unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASC) and within what time frame?

The CCG commissions a service from the Specialist GP centre for UASC and asylum seeking adults.   

Initial Health assessments are completed either by the Medical Practice or the LAC Health Team (as appropriate) 

Review Health assessments are completed by either a Specialist LAC Nurse or 0-19 service dependent on where the young person is living 

9. Do you provide any other health service for CLA, children who have been adopted, adopters, foster carers or UASC?

The CCG through the Designated Nurse provides training to foster carers.  The Looked after Children Health Team is commissioned to provide training to carers including residential homes, social workers and through safeguarding training. 

The CCG also commissions a health service to Project Aspire Hubs (residential and edge of care young people) in Sheffield (see above) 

The medical advisors attend ‘life appreciation days’ for children placed for adoption.  The medical advisors also meet with adopters with regards the health of child prior to placement. 

There is a Specialist Looked After Children’s Nurse for looked after children who holds a case load from 16 years to the 19th birthday. 

Looked after and adopted children are able to access health services both acute and community as appropriate to their needs. 

10. Do you provide full BAAF medicals for adopters and foster carers as part of a Service level Agreement with Local Authorities? If so what is the average cost?


All foster carer and adopters have adult medicals completed by GP’s at the request of the Local Authority. The local authority pay for these.  

This information is then sent to the Medical Advisors in the Looked after Children’s Health Team to provide a report to the social worker , foster panel and adoption panel.  This is part of the service specification for the Looked after Children Health Team and completed through a block contract. 

11. Do you provide updated medicals for adopters and foster carers, if so what is the average cost and is this part of a Service Level Agreement with Local Authorities?

As above, update medicals for foster carers are provided every 2 years.


NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group

722 Prince of Wales Road
S9 4EU

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