This class includes information such as structure, locations and governance.

This website serves to inform our public about what NHS Sheffield CCG does as a statutory NHS organisation. You can find out more about the CCG throughout this website, specifically in the ‘About Us’ section and the ‘News’ pages. 

The ‘About Us’ section will give you information on:

The CCG has outlined its commissioning vision for the five years between 2014 – 2019. To find out more about what our intended work will be, please visit our ‘Commissioning Intentions’ page, as part of our ‘Strategies, Policies and Publications’.

NHS Sheffield CCG is made up of 76 GP Member Practices. These practices are spread across four localities:

How we fit into the NHS structure

We are a Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).  Clinical Commissioning Groups were formally established on 1 April 2013 and are run and led by local clinicians, including GPs, nurses and hospital doctors, that have taken over the responsibility for planning, organising and purchasing NHS-funded healthcare for the people of Sheffield.  

Our structure

Our Governing Body and Constitution

Information about our Governing Body can be found here where you will find the biographies of our Governing Body Members, along with the schedule for the Governing Body Meetings and a Register of Interests for our Governing Body Members. 

Information relating to organisations with which the CCG works

The CCG is committed to working with a number of NHS and non-NHS organisations, to ensure local delivery of services and their development in accordance with national guidance and local needs. These organisations include local hospitals and other NHS trusts, local authorities, educational establishments, police, probation, the private sector and not-for profit and community groups.  Some examples are given below, with hyperlinks to the organisations.  A complete list of the CCG's current contracts with its healthcare providers is available here on the Documents, Policies and Procedures page.

Sheffield CCG is part of the Sheffield Health Care Partnership and the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System.

External NHS organisations we work with include:

Local NHS Organisations

Regional NHS Organisations

National NHS Organisations

*NHS England commission Primary Care services which includes GPs, Dental, Pharmacies and Opticians.

Public Health:

Public Health is now the responsibility of the local authorities and a national body, Public Health England. 


Healthwatch is an organisation which aims to give citizens and communities a stronger voice with which to influence and challenge the ways in which local services are provided

Not-for-Profit organisations we work with include:

Meeting with pharmaceutical companies and other medical suppliers

This will be updated and included in due course.

Contacting the CCG

Full details on how to get in touch with the CCG and relevant information can be found on our ‘Contact Us’ page. 

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