This class includes financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit.

The CCG’s Governing Body meets on a monthly basis, and as part of these meetings, regular finance reports are submitted, along with other papers.

Our latest Annual Report and previous ones back to 2013/14 can be found by following this link: 

Financial Information

Information on financial statements, budgets and variance reports are submitted within the papers that go to the Governing Body each month. The latest papers and papers from previous meetings can be found here. Other key financial information is listed below.

Register of Interest

The CCG holds a Register of Interest of all its Governing Body Members, which details any interests held by the Governing Body Members which may lead to a conflict with the interests in relation to the public interests of work commissioned by the CCG.

  • A list of the CCG's current contracts with healthcare providers can be found here on the Documents, Policies and Procedures page.
  • All expenditure under taken by the CCG which exceeds £25,000 (£25k) can be found here.
  • The CCG’s Individual Funding Request (IFR) information and policy can be found here.

Staff and Board members’ allowances and expenses

Details of senior management salary and pension allowances can be found in the CCG’s Annual Report & Accounts.

Staff pay and grading structures

Our staff pay grade and structures are in with the NHS Agenda for Change pay band structures. Our Annual Report gives more information on various allowances for our board members and some pay ranges of the senior management team.

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