The Urgent Care Public Reference Group


Although the consultation period has finished, we think it is very important that we keep working with our partners and people in Sheffield to help us consider the feedback and come to a decision.

We have set up a Public Reference Group to work with us during this process. This comprises members of the public who reflect the diverse communities across Sheffield, both in terms of location and those with protected characteristics under the Equality Act or who are from vulnerable groups.

Members of the group were recruited from GP patient participation groups, the equality hubs, representatives from community and partner organisations and the student unions, Healthwatch and Sheffield Save Our NHS.

The initial focus for the group has been to consider the issues raised in relation to transport and the alternative suggestions made. This was done at a workshop on 11 June 2018 – please see below for information on what was discussed and the notes from the event.

Urgent Care Public Reference Group Workshop – 11 June 2018

 All of these discussions are being reviewed by the Urgent Care Programme Board (which is responsible for leading the work on the consultation) and will inform the recommendations that are taken to the Primary Care Commissioning Committee for a final decision.

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