Chair's Blog- Members' Council Meeting, joint working and advice on keeping well
02 April 2019

Hi everyone,

It’s been a busy month at the CCG, with lots of events, work with our partners and our 2018/19 financial year coming to a close. Here’s a quick update from me.

On the 14 March, we had our biannual Members’ Council Meeting – all the GP practices in the city are ‘members’ of the CCG, and so these meetings are an opportunity to get together with practice staff, give updates and share plans, and learn more about the great work that’s happening across the city. As a practicing GP and Chair for the CCG, I always benefit a lot from these meetings.

When we arrive, the Meeting gives everyone the opportunity to walk around different stalls. There were a number of different stalls this March, where people presented good ideas and gave practice staff an opportunity to get involved with different schemes. In particular, I learnt more about how to develop trainee nurses, how we’re updating the IT systems in practices, and what we can do to better support people with mental health needs.

I then had the opportunity to take questions from practice staff – this is really important to me, as practice teams are the lifeblood of our organisation. They make us proud every day and we want to know we’re supporting them as much as possible.

This month, we’ve also been working closer with our colleagues at Sheffield City Council – our organisations have always had a good relationship, but we now have plans to set up a joint committee, which will help us make decisions as a team and share resources.

We hope that together we can make sure people can manage their own health and wellbeing better, and make stays at hospital shorter whenever they’re needed. We’re going to make assessments for social care quicker, and help people to live independently in their communities for as long as possible, away from hospitals and care homes. Both the CCG and the Council are dedicated to these goals, and so working closer will be a win-win.

I’m glad to see the weather is improving in Sheffield, but as a GP I recommend that you stay protected in the sunshine – use sun cream whenever you’re outside, and look for a UVA 5-star rating on the bottle. Hayfever season is coming up too, so a well-stocked medicine cabinet will help. You can find out more information on the NHS website.

Along with my busy days at work, I’ve also had busy nights this month, practicing for my upcoming gigs (I’m currently in three different bands, where I play piano and saxophone). I enjoy it a lot, but if you’re anything like me, you’ll know how important it is to look after your wellbeing when things get hectic!

If you have any questions, please get in touch with me via Twitter – you can find me on @sheffCCGchair.

Until next time,


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