YHEA007 1835

Equality and Diversity (E&D) is central to the work of NHS Sheffield CCG, as it is to the NHS Constitution. 

We want to ensure there is equality of access and treatment for all people to the services that we commission, both as a matter of fairness and as an essential part of our drive to reduce health inequalities and increase the health and wellbeing of all our population.

NHS Sheffield CCG is committed to embedding equality and diversity values into our policies, procedures, employment practice and the commissioning processes that secure health and social care for the people of Sheffield.

We are ensuring that all our staff are embedding equality and diversity in all their work and through our contracts and partnerships with providers we are supporting them to tackle inequities and barriers to services for patients. We monitor the performance of all providers in Sheffield.

NHS Sheffield CCG Governing Board has approved our equality objectives that have been developed and supported by underpinning actions that are linked to the four Equality Delivery System (EDS) goals. 

NHS Sheffield CCG objectives are:

  • Make sure information and feedback from our patients, public and third sector partners is used to inform and influence our commissioning so that healthcare services meet the different needs of our local population.
  • Contribute to developing a consistent approach to equality in Sheffield through the Accountable Care Partnership.
  • Make measurable and continuous improvements in workforce equality, recognising the importance of a diverse workforce on improving the healthcare experience for all communities in Sheffield.

The progress of the actions is reported to the CCG Governing Body on a six monthly basis.


NHS England’s EDS webpage: http://www.england.nhs.uk/ourwork/gov/edc/eds

This is a printable version of https://www.sheffieldccg.nhs.uk/our-information/equality.htm?pr=