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We want you to have more care closer to your home...


FOI Ref: 0021FOI1920

7th May 2019 

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information

We are pleased to respond to your request for information and our response is set out below:

Request/ Response

The [NAME REDACTED] are writing to you for details of NHS Sheffield CCG‘s strategy to reduce the number of patients sent out of area for mental health rehabilitation.

We would like to know the following information:

1. As of April 2019, how many NHS inpatient rehabilitation beds do you have in your local CCG area?

Sheffield CCG commissions 30 rehabilitation beds.

2. As of April 2019, how many people are placed in an inpatient rehabilitation unit outside your local area?

There are currently less than 5 patient under IFR (Individual Funding Request) placed in an inpatient rehabilitation unit outside of our local area.  

Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust (SHSC) commission majority of locked rehabilitation beds on behalf of the Sheffield system. Please contact them for further information –

3. As of April 2019, of those patients placed out of area in inpatient rehabilitation units, how many are there appropriately because of their highly specialist needs? 

For patients under IFR this is less than 5. For any others we do not hold this information and advise you contact SHSC.

4. Do you have a local strategy to minimise the use of out of area rehabilitation placements? If so, please provide brief details or attach a copy of any strategy to your response. This should include,

a) How out of area placements are agreed in your area

b) The process for reviewing anyone placed out of area (and potentially bringing them back to a local service)

We have an overall approach with our main provider of mental health services, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Trust, to minimise the use of out of area placements. However, they are better placed to answer the above questions a) and b) in relation to the processes that they deploy.

In addition to the processes above, which includes a designated Pathway Coordinator role, we have specific processes associated with the Transforming Care programme for people with learning disability that the CCG oversees. This includes collaborative work between our Senior CHC Commissioning Nurse Manager, the SHSC Pathway Coordinator for rehab, Social Workers from Sheffield City Council, and multidisciplinary clinical team members from SHSC learning disability service. This process is overseen by a CCG commissioning manager, in formal multidisciplinary review meetings.

5. Do you have a local community mental health rehabilitation team? If so, please briefly describe their remit, including the characteristics of the clients with whom they are commissioned to work (e.g. those in local high supported accommodation, those returning from an out of area placement etc)

We have the Community Enhancing Recovery Team (CERT) team in Sheffield Health and Social Care Trust. CERT is designed as an intensive rehabilitation and recovery team to deliver bespoke packages of care to people in their own homes as an alternative to hospital admission. Eligibility includes adults over the age of 18, with a variety of needs including Mental Health problems, Personality Disorders or mild Learning Disabilities, many of whom have returned from out of area placement, and are people who are able to live independently with support.

6. How many local mental health rehabilitation beds have been decommissioned in your CCG area in the last five years and how many local beds to you plan to decommission in future? 

The number of rehabilitation beds has been reduced from 62 to 30. There is currently no plan to reduce that bed stock.

[Image - NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group]

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