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Home | Your Health | Coronavirus advice | COVID-19 vaccine FAQs | Booking your COVID-19 vaccine

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Booking your COVID-19 vaccine

How you will be contacted for your coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination?

Anyone aged over 18 can now book a covid vaccination via or by calling 119.

Details of where to have your vaccine are available here.

The NHS will let you know when it's your turn to have the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination.

The vaccine is being offered at larger vaccination centres, pharmacies and some local NHS services such as hospitals or GP surgeries.

More people are being offered the vaccine every week. You'll be contacted by letter, text or email.

If you're invited to have your vaccination at a larger vaccination centre or at a pharmacy, you may get a letter.

If you're invited to have your vaccination at a local centre such as a hospital or GP surgery, you'll usually get a text or email. You may sometimes get a letter.

You can choose to go to a larger vaccination centre or pharmacy, or wait to be invited to go to a local NHS service. More places are opening all the time.

I've had / about to have my first dose

Thank you for having your first vaccination for COVID-19. This vaccination will start to protect you in about 2 to 3 weeks’ time. Even though you have not yet received both doses you have significantly reduced your chances of becoming seriously ill with COVID-19 and you are helping to protect others now and in the future.

However, in the next 2-3 weeks you remain at risk of catching COVID-19. Even after the first vaccination has started working you could still pass the infection on to others.

Until Government advice changes, to keep protecting yourself and others from infection you must continue to:

  • Keep 2 metres apart from people not in your household or bubble.
  • Clean your hands carefully and regularly and especially when you enter your home, or after you have used public transport, or touched any surface that may have been touched by others.
  • Wear a clean face covering whenever you are in a crowded space and in public indoor spaces including shops, places of worship and on public transport (unless you are exempt).
  • Self-isolate and get tested if you develop any of the symptoms of COVID (a high temperature, a new continuous cough, a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste), even if your symptoms are mild.
  • Self-isolate if someone in your household or bubble develops symptoms or tests positive for COVID, or if you are asked to self-isolate because you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive.
  • If you are extremely clinically vulnerable and shielding, then you should continue to do so to ensure that you remain safe.
  • Follow the current rules for your local area. Rules may vary in different parts of the UK so make sure you know what the rules are for you and follow them carefully.

We know that you want to meet with your friends and loved ones and get your life going again. The current restrictions to protect us will not last forever. There is some initial evidence that people who have been vaccinated may be less likely to pass on a COVID infection to others, but this is not yet clear. Until we have more reliable evidence we must all continue following the guidance. Scientists who advise the government are working hard to understand when it might be safe to start to relax the rules. The Prime Minister recently outlined a roadmap for when we might be able to reduce the restrictions, but it is important that we all maintain the rules.

The next important step is for you to get your second dose of vaccine when you are invited. It is important to get the second dose because this will further reduce your chances of becoming seriously ill with COVID and means that this protection will last for longer.

(Information from the British Psychological Society)

[Image - NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group]

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