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Home | Your Health | Coronavirus advice | Useful links and resources

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Useful links and resources

Cards that explain why it is difficult for some people to wear a face covering

In many healthcare settings, such as hospitals and GP practices, patients are being asked to wear a face covering or a face mask. 

Some people find wearing a face covering difficult because of disability or extreme distress. These cards can help you explain why it is difficult to wear a face covering. You can print the card out or store it as a photo on your phone. 

Click here to download the cards to print. 

If you need more information or advice about how health services are working you can contact Healthwatch Sheffield - phone (0114) 253 6688 or text 0741 524 9657.

Resources to support people with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Click here for more information.

Resources to support people with Dementia 

Easy read documents

Videos for Carers (Families, Staff, Friends, Advocates) of People with Learning Disabilities

Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust have put together 13 videos for families and other carers of people with learning disabilities to support them during the coronavirus pandemic. You can watch them on their YouTube channel by clicking here.

Click here to go to Sheffield Health and Social Care Foundation Trust's Learning Disability Team YouTube Channel.

Translated documents

Please see below for translated information about help available for refugees and asylum seekers specifically for Sheffield. There are documents in the following languages:

More resources

Coronavirus information leaflets from Sheffield Flourish

Looking after your health during covid-19: A guide for people living with serious mental illness

Coronavirus information from Mencap

Coronavirus information for people with Diabetes 


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