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Home | Our Strategy | Mental Health, Dementia, Autism and Learning Disabilities | Improving physical health for people living with severe mental illness, learning disabilities, and autistic spectrum condition A Strategy for Sheffield 2019-2022 | Commissioned Services

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Commissioned Services

New services to help improve the physical health of people living with severe mental illness (SMI), learning disabilities (LD), and autism

 People living with severe mental illness, learning disabilities, and autism have for many years faced some of the greatest health inequality gaps in England.

 There are a range of new services now established in Sheffield to help reduce these health inequalities, which will contribute towards meeting the commitments within the NHS Long Term Plan and also our local Strategy for Improving the Physical Health of people living with severe mental illness, learning disabilities, and autism.

 These services include:

 Sheffield Mind project to support GP Surgeries with SMI annual physical health checks & covid vaccinations support

- spending time reassuring the person / their family or explaining about the importance of the check

- liaising with the patient/practice to understand what reasonable adjustments are needed/possible

- help with practical arrangements to help the person get to the Surgery and/or ‘attend’ a telephone appointment

 For more information please contact:

- Sheffield Mind: 

- Sheffield CCG:


 Sheffield Mencap project to support GP Surgeries with LD annual health checks

- spending time reassuring the person / their family or explaining about the importance of the check

- liaising with the patient/practice to understand what reasonable adjustments are needed/possible

- help with practical arrangements to help the person get to the Surgery and/or ‘attend’ a telephone appointment

 For more information please contact:


 Primary Care Sheffield project to support GP Surgeries with SMI and LD annual health checks

More info to be added soon.


Live Lighter at Sheffield Mind

Sheffield Mind is delivering part of the Live Lighter project (commissioned by Sheffield City Council) to support people in making healthy choices, manage their weight and gain confidence. Sheffield Mind will be delivering a number of 12 week courses from January and clients can self-refer by contacting Sheffield Mind or be referred by health professionals provided they have given explicit consent. Eligibility to for the service is based on referred participants having a BMI of 25+.

 To make a referral, please contact the Sheffield mind Live Lighter Coordinator, Fran Lynch by emailing or calling Sheffield Mind on 0114 2584489.

 Please see leaflets about the service below : Related documents

Live Lighter at Sheffield Mencap

Sheffield Mencap is delivering part of the Live Lighter project (commissioned by Sheffield City Council) to support people in making healthy choices, manage their weight and gain confidence. GP Practices (and other health and social care staff) are encouraged to refer patients who would benefit from this service (please see referral form and flyer about the service attached below). Patients can also self-refer by contacting Sheffield Mencap (see contact details on the flyer below page: Related documents).


Live Lighter at Disability Sheffield for people with LD or autism

Disability Sheffield is delivering part of the Live Lighter project (commissioned by Sheffield City Council) to support people in making healthy choices, manage their weight and gain confidence. The group runs from Hillsborough Arena. Disability Sheffield will also look at other ways to engage people in this project by using ZOOM for people who are not able to attend face to face meetings. Referrals and self referrals can be made to (Sheffield Voices Manager and Training Development Manager, Disability Sheffield)



Sheffield web resources to help improve physical health for people living with SMI

There are some new physical health web resources on the Sheffield Mental Health Guide, commissioned by Sheffield CCG:



Sheffield web resources to help improve physical health for people with LD Autism

There are some new physical health web resources on the Sheffield Mental Health Guide, commissioned by Sheffield CCG:

Related documents

leaflet 1 (0.68 MB)
leaflet 2 (0.82 MB)
leaflet 3 (0.52 MB)
Live Lighter Sheffield -Blank Referral Form (0.07 MB)
Live Lighter at MenCap (0.58 MB)
[Image - NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group]

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