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Continuing Health Care

Continuing Health Care Reviews

There is no longer the requirement to complete a full Decision Support Tool (DST) to review eligibility for existing patients unless there is deemed to be a material change. Therefore, the nurse co-ordinatiors will be visiting your homes to undertake a ‘Care Review’ which is a much shorter and less time intensive process and does not require one of your staff to sit with the nurse during this review. We may need to ask some questions in relation to care delivery and we will need access to the care plans, risk assessments and daily observations for the patient.

As part of this process you will be asked to complete 24 hr grids for a period of 3 days in the week prior to the review taking place. This is helpful information to our nurse and we would appreciate your continued co-operation and support in this area.

NHS Funded Nursing Care and revised CHC rates

The CCG is not yet able to advise you of the new FNC or CHC rates due to these not yet being agreed nationally for the FNC rate and locally for the CHC rates. We will update you as soon as we hear any more information.

For more information please the Sheffield Continuing Health Care page can accessed via the link below or contact 


[Image - NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group]

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