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Home | Your Health | Stay Well This Summer | Heart (Cardiovascular) Disease

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Heart (Cardiovascular) Disease

[Image - cvd]

Hot weather increases the workload on your heart and the extra demand for oxygen can increase symptoms in people with cardiovascular diseases.

Here are some tips to stay healthy this summer:


Heatstroke can happen if you get dehydrated as a result of too much sun and the body starts to shut down. The symptoms of heatstroke can develop over several days and can be dangerous for those with cardiovascular diseases. Losing too much body fluid can increase your internal body temperature, which could be life-threatening if left untreated.

Symptoms of heat stroke include:

The extreme heat that causes heatstroke also affects the nervous system. If heatstroke gets severe, it can cause other symptoms like:

Heatstroke is a medical emergency. If you, or anyone you know, displays these symptoms, dial 999 immediately.

For more information and advice, visit NHS Choices at, or ring NHS 111.

[Image - NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group]

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