FOI Ref: 0007FOI1920

8th May 2019

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information

We are pleased to respond to your request for information and our response is set out below:

Request/ Response

We are making this request under UK Freedom of Information (FOI) legislation (FOI Act 2000). We would be grateful for your response to the following questions pertaining to your CCG:

1. Please provide us with a full copy of any bundle of public papers relating to the most recent meeting of your Primary Care Committee.

Papers and minutes of Primary Care Commissioning Committee meetings can be found here -

2. Please identify up to three examples of specific areas where GP Patient Survey data has been used to inform the planning, development, and innovation of local primary care services within your area.

The CCG use GP patient survey data to help practices improve the quality of services. The CCG does this by triangulating data from the GP patient survey with other experience data and with a range of quality and performance indicators. It is therefore used, in conjunction with other access, performance and variation information for the following:-  

  • GP Patient survey data was factored into the urgent care consultation and part of the rationale for the proposal to use our better use our resources to support increased access to Primary Care
  • Procurement, Implementation and mobilisation of citywide Extended Access Provision
  • Engagement across practices and targeted work with individual practices; for example feedback of patient experience at PPG network events or implementation of new telephony systems

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