FOI Ref: 0023FOI2021

24th June 2020

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information

We are pleased to respond to your request for information and our response is set out below:

Request/ Response

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information regarding the Community MSK provision in your catchment area. I have tried to structure the questions to make them easier to respond to.


1. Is the current Community MSK service based on a Block Contract or AQP model?

The contract is normally a block contract but it is not currently in place due to Covid 19.

a. If Block Contract who is the current provider of the service? 

Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (STHFT) normally hold the contract

b. If AQP how many providers are on the framework?

Not applicable

2. Is the contract delivered in partnership with other providers? If so, who are the providers and from what sector (e.g. third sector, contractors)

If the contract was in place it would also include sub-contracting arrangements with local Independent Sector providers of acute MSK services (Claremont, Thornbury and One Health).

3. What is the contract length and contract value of the current Community MSK contract?

5 years plus 2 year extension, annual value £45,911,731 (19/20).

4. What is the treatment model for the current Community MSK service? For example:

  • Does the service include an MSK triage service that directs referrals to secondary care/specialist services as well as the Community Service? 
  • Does the Community MSK service include an integrated pain management service?

The service model includes a single point of access where patients are triaged into the appropriate service.  The model also uses a separately commissioned piece of software to allow patients to make appointments, submit feedback and provide outcomes data

5. Would it be possible to get a copy of the current service specification?

Yes, please see enclosed – MSK Specification SCCG STH

6. When is the current Community MSK service due to be re-tendered?

The contract has been extended for 2 years up to 31st March 2022

7. Is this date before contract extension (if so, what is the extension period and likelihood of extension)?

Please see response to Q6.

8. Is it anticipated the re-tendered service will adhere to the same model and specification as the current Community MSK service?

a. If not, how do you expect this service to differ? Will you be undertaking market engagement ahead of any procurement process to inform this model? 

b. If yes, do you anticipate the contract length and financial envelope to remain the same or efficiency savings to be applied? What percentage reduction would this be?

The CCG is not currently able to comment.

9. Has the current Community MSK service met all the contracted KPIs during the lifetime of the contract?


10. Has the current provider of the Community MSK Service been served with any performance notices? If yes, when were they served and what for?


11. Are there any areas of particular concern/health outcomes within the CCGs population which the Community MSK service could be addressing more effectively?

The CCG is unable to answer at this time. Once a review of the service has been completed this will be shared with stakeholders and with our Governing Body (papers are publicly available). Given the current climate we cannot advise when the review will be complete and/ or presented to Governing Body.

12. Are there any areas of exceptional practice and/or innovation in the current Community MSK Service which stand out to the CCG?

Please see response to Q11.

13. What is the current Patient Satisfaction Rate for the Community MSK Service? Has this remained consistent or has there been fluctuations (reduced or improved)?

The CCG has some patient satisfaction data at provider level, not service. Please contact the provider directly for this information – email:

14. Which virtual/remote platforms are used in the current Community MSK Service?

  • Telephone
  • Video General, e.g. WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom
  • Video Bespoke, e.g. Physitrack, Q-Doc 

We would advise you contact the provider STHFT directly for this information, email –

15. Has the Community MSK Service continued to operate routine appointments during the Covid-19 pandemic via remote methods alongside Emergency/Urgent referrals?

Please see response to Q14.

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