FOI Ref: 0025FOI2021

 24th June 2020

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information

We are pleased to respond to your request for information and our response is set out below:

Request/ Response

Please can you provide an answer to the questions listed below for your related CCG in response to this FOI request?

1. What is your CCG’s annual CHC budget?

As a result of the Covid crisis, and in line with NHS guidance, the CCG has so far set budgets for only the first four months of the financial year – Apr 20 – Jul 20. For CHC this is £15,468,548, including the cost of both fully funded patients and those who are jointly funded with other commissioners, primarily Sheffield City Council. It excludes the ongoing care costs of patients who have been discharged from hospital during the Covid crisis and whose costs are being met in full by the NHS under temporary ‘Covid’ funding responsibilities.

2. What is your CCG’s current Case Management System / Patient Records system used to manage CHC patients? Who is the system provider and when is the contract expiry date?

The CHC team uses the national TPP/SystmOne system and QA Plus for recording packages of care.  The contract is due to renew next April 2021

3. What is your CCG’s Head of CHC name?

Dani Hydes, Head of Continuing Healthcare

4.What is your CCG’s Head of Commissioning & Placements?

As above

5. Who is the person responsible for overall CHC processes and workflow management within your CCG?

As above

6. Who at the CCG is responsible for digital transformation of CHC processes?

As above

7. Who at the CCG is the Accountable Officer?

Lesley Smith

8. Do the CCG use a CSU for their business support and CHC provider procurement?

No CSU used, all done in-house.

9. Please provide details of any procurement contracts in place for CHC with associated expiry dates for your CCG

The CCG largely uses Individual Placement Agreements in order to meet the differing, specific needs of patients. Domiciliary Care provision was procured in 2014. These contracts terminate 30/10/21.

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