FOI Ref: 0041FOI2021

29th July 2020

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information

We are pleased to respond to your request for information and our response is set out below:

Request/ Response

Under FOI can I request the following information from the CCG please:

1. Name of NHS Trust(s) in the CCG geographical boundary?

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust

2. Does the CCG have / commission a Referral Management (Assessment) Centre that includes Cataract Surgery referrals?


3. If yes, please name the provider that manages it. If inhouse, please state inhouse?


4. For Cataract Surgery – which providers are commissioned to provide this surgery via NHS Standard Contract?

Sheffield Teaching Hospital, Spa Medica

5. Is this as a block / AQP / NCA arrangement? Please state for each provider, including date (if applicable) the contract expires?

  • The contract with STH for 19/20 was a combination of cost and volume (PbR and non-PbR) and block contract values.  Currently during 20/21 no contract is in place as per Department of Health guidelines for dealing with the Coronavirus Pandemic.
  • The contract with Spa Medica is based on cost and volume, the contract expires on 31st March 2021

6. Is there an extension clause in the relevant contracts? If so please state length of extension and name of provider it relates to?

  • The STH contract is agreed on an annual basis, the last contract ended on 31st March 2020.
  • Sheffield CCG is an associate to the Spa Medica contract which has an 12 month extension.

7. For Cataract Surgery – which providers have provided Cataract Surgery on a Non-Contract Activity Basis since 01/01/20?

We are unable to answer. Since Covid-19 we have not been reporting on non-contract activity. For the period January to March 2020 we have access to some information, but this is not recorded in a way to enable us to see by specific procedure.

8. Does the CCG operate a Prior Approval Policy for cataract surgery? If yes please attach the policy in your response?


9. What was the average waiting time and waiting numbers of patients, in June 2020 and June 2019 for patients waiting for non-complex cataract surgery at the local NHS Trust? If unable to provide at that level please state and provide information at Ophthalmology Specialty?

The latest provider RTT data we have is for May 2020. Please note that the levels have been affected by Covid-19 so it is not like for comparison.

Referral to Treatment (RTT) Waiting Times for Incomplete Pathways Provider aggregate figures for Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust in Ophthalmology:



Average (median) waiting time (in weeks)

Total number of incomplete pathways

Total within 18 weeks

% within 18 weeks


May 19





Jun 19





May 20





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