FOI Ref: 0050FOI2021

14th August 2020

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information

We are pleased to respond to your request for information and our response is set out below:

Request/ Response

I am writing to you on behalf of [redacted] to request the following information on children and young people’s mental health services (CYPMHS) in the NHS Sheffield CCG area under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

We are asking all CCGs about the services they commission to support children and young people’s mental health (including CAMHS) to inform Mind’s understanding of changes to services as a result of the pandemic.

I would be grateful if you could provide me with information on the following

1. a. What specialist CAMHS services do you commission for children and young people and who provides these (e.g. eating disorder services, talking therapies, etc.)?

As well as the general community CAMHS offer, Sheffield CCG commissions CAMHS services from Sheffield Children’s Foundation Trust and from Sheffield Health and Social Care FT for some specialist services for 14-18 year olds.  Specialist services are listed below alongside their provider. Please note some of these services are jointly commissioned with Sheffield City Council.

  • SEDATT Eating Disorders service (up to 14 years old) – SCFT
  • SHSC Eating Disorders service/SYEDA – (14 to 18 years old)
  • Early Intervention in Psychosis Team for- 16+- SHSC.
  • Psychosis is treated as part of CAMHS for children aged 16 and below.
  • Multi-Agency Psychological Services (for Looked after Children up to the age of 18)- specialist input for this cohort- SCFT.
  • Healthy Minds Framework- Whole School Approach to Mental Health – Early Intervention and Prevention Team- working at early intervention in school settings for emotional wellbeing and mental health, including developing more positive culture around mental health and wellbeing- SCFT
  • Mental Health Support Teams in Schools (Pilot)- intervention based low level therapy as part of the national NHSE pilot, works alongside Healthy Minds. – SCFT
  • Primary Mental Health Worker (PMHW) Service- provides CAMHS input to non-CAMHS services such as MAST and Door 43
  • Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (PWP’s)- CBT Therapists working to support mild to moderate depression and anxiety. Aimed at pre-CAMHS/low level CAMHS.
  • CAMHS psychological therapy input into the school Inclusion Process (PIP/SIP)
  • CAMHS input into Aspire Hub – The Aspire Hub is a Sheffield specific provision run by Sheffield City Council combining fostering and residential placement with emotional wellbeing and mental health support.

b) What other services do you commission to support the mental health of children and young people and who provides these?

NHS Sheffield CCG also commissions a number of voluntary and community sector services for working with Children and Young people as part of the local Future in Mind offer:

  • Door 43 - Youth Information and Counselling Service (YIACS) , Wellbeing Café and Sheffield Telephone Support Service for Children’s Mental Health, both  provided by Sheffield Futures
  • Kooth - online support for 11-18 year olds, including counselling, messaging and peer support. Also includes care leavers’ support up to the age of 25.
  • ChilyPep - Provides young people with a meaningful voice in commissioning and service improvement, includes STAMP and Young Commissioner’s work.

2. Given the recent national decrease in referrals and the additional potential impact of Covid-19 on mental health, what plans are you developing to cope with increased or changing need for mental health support for children and young people in your area?

Please tick all that apply



Further details



adapted the services you commission to continue to support young people’s mental health


All services have adapted practice to meet COVID_19 principles including social distancing and moving to online support (e.g. 1-1 therapy via video link, group work)



planned to commission additional services


Additional services have been commissioned to be meet need, such as the establishment of the telephone support line for children and families regarding mental health as run by Sheffield Futures Door 43 and CAMHS



modelled future demand on services


This is being modelled by individual providers and is forming part of the Rapid Impact Assessment for all-age Mental Health provision in Sheffield as developed by Public Health.



developed a plan for your area


As “C”, plans are in development for a Short/Medium and long term approach to the expected increase in demand following COVID_19. Sheffield CAMHS and other providers have already adapted working practices for the short term.



partnered with other organisations such as charities and youth services


Please refer to the answer provided to “b”.



delivered any other initiatives to support young people’s mental health during this period (please state)

The cross-organisational Sheffield Psychology Board has been centrally to producing, verifying and ratifying support and information for young people, including specific information on anxiety, loneliness and bereavement and developing provision accordingly. Sheffield CAMHS, CCG, SCC and voluntary sector partners have been working closely with Sheffield Schools and delivering information to young people virtually and via the schools platform run by Learn Sheffield, the Sheffield Schools Development partner.


3.  a. How many contacts did the CAMHS services you commission have with children and young people in the following months?

  1. March 2019
  2. April 2019
  3. May 2019
  4. March 2020
  5. April 2020
  6. May 2020

b. What proportion of these contacts were young people from the following ethnic backgrounds?

  1. Asian
  2. Black
  3. Mixed
  4. White
  5. Other

NHS Sheffield CCG does not hold this information; please contact Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust at who can further assist you with your request.

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