FOI Ref: 0080FOI1920 

28th August 2019  

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information 

We are pleased to respond to your request for information and our response is set out below: 


Please list the pathology providers, including NHS organisations, which you used during financial year 2018/19 to provide GP direct access pathology services (list any provider with a spend in the year greater than £25,000) 

Please provide the amount spent with each provider on GP direct access pathology during the year 2018/19. 

Please state which of following methods for calculating payment best describes the contractual arrangement between the CCG and each provider

  • Amount paid for direct access pathology not explicitly stated, ie included within larger overall contract
  • Fixed payment amount for pathology agreed for the year
  • Fixed payment amount agreed for the year, but adjusted if volumes are higher or lower than expected
  • Payment calculated based on a cost per specialty, eg £X per blood science test, £Y per microbiology sample, £Z per histology case
  • Payment calculated on a price per specific test, eg £X for Urea and Electrolytes, £Y for full blood count, £Z for MRSA test 

Have the authority undertaken a procurement advertised via OJEU for GP direct access pathology during the past five years?  If so, please provide link. 


NHS Sheffield CCG does not hold this information. Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust who provide the pathology service may be best placed to answer. You can email them on

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