FOI Ref: 0149FOI1920

15th November 2019

Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Request for Information

We are pleased to respond to your request for information and our response is set out below:

Request/ Response

I hope you can help me with an exercise we are conducting, to understand more about the Procurement Strategies and the take up of G Cloud in the Public Sector.

The information you provide as part of this Freedom of Information exercise will help us to understand the most appropriate way of interacting with Local Authorities in their buying cycles.

Please could you answer the following questions and respond via email.

1) Is your current IT Service Management function and associated software application based in house or Outsourced to a 3rd Party? This service is outsourced and delivered by: eMBEDhealth, Scorex House, 1 Commercial Street, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD1 4AS 

2) Please provide the full name and version of the ITSM software application in use? Resolve-IT

3) What is the lifetime value of the contract and over how many years? Information not available. NHS Sheffield CCG does not have software to manage IT service management, this is done on our behalf by eMBED as part of a larger contract which ends 31/03/20. The cost of this is not discrete within the contract, therefore unknown.

4) As part of the existing contract how many support operatives (agents) are licenced/subscribed to use the solution? (These are individuals who work on the desk in resolver groups, not customers using a Self-Service function). Information not available, service is delivered by eMBED. 

5) When is the contract due for renewal? Contract ends 31/3/2020

6) How was the current solution procured – directly with the Vendor, through a Framework or via G Cloud? The current contract was procured via the Lead Provider Framework available to CCG's.

7) What are your published procurement thresholds for tendering purposes? £50k and above goes out to tender, then OJEU (Official Journal of the European Union) limits apply.

8) What is the Authority's strategy with regards to Cloud solutions as opposed to In House installations? Cloud v in-house decisions are based on the customer requirement for the individual procurement.

9) Has the organisation ever procured through the G Cloud Framework? Yes.

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