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[Image - Logo: NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group]

19 May 2024
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FOI Ref: 0129FOI1920 

29th October 2019 

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information

We are pleased to respond to your request for information and our response is set out below: 

Request/ Response 

I would be most grateful if you would kindly furnish the following information under the Freedom of Information Act: 

1. Is your Wheelchair service procured as a separate service, or is it combined with other services such as Community Equipment, Prosthetics etc. If so, which services is it combined with? 


2. Is your wheelchair service procured as an integrated wheelchair service (i.e. Assessments and approved repair in one contract) or separately as different contracts?


3. Is your provider / providers an NHS organisation or a contracted out non NHS organisation? 

NHS Organisation 

4. What is the name of your current Wheelchair Services provider – or if Approved Repair and Assessments are provided separately, what are the names of the providers for each service? 

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (STHFT) 

5. Is your wheelchair service exclusive to your CCG? No

6. If your service is combined with another CCG please provide a list of the CCGs that share this wheelchair service and confirm who is the lead CCG? 

NHS Sheffield is the lead CCG. Sheffield, Barnsley, Bassetlaw and Rotherham CCG's all commission activity as part of the STHFT contract. 

7. When was each part of your wheelchair service (Assessment, Approved Repair, or integrated) last tendered? Not applicable

8. When does the current contract Please provide details of any potential contract extensions? 

31st March 2020. 

9. Please provide the date this Wheelchair service will be next tendered? 

There are currently no plans to tender this service 

10. What is the size of the population covered by your wheelchair service? 

We do not hold this information. 

11. How many registered users are served by the Wheelchair Service?

We do not hold this information. 

12. What is the contract spend in the last financial year for the integrated Wheelchair service?

The 18/19 Contract value for NHS Sheffield CCG was £1,385,129 

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