Walking under the stars for St Luke’s Hospice
06 October 2016

The Night Strider charity event is a half marathon walk and 10k through Sheffield and welcomes over a thousand people to support St Luke’s care and work for terminally ill patients and their families through a fun illuminated walk. 

Alongside the Night Strider walk, a team of CCG staff are also holding a themed fundraising event at work, selling cakes to raise additional funds for St Luke’s. 

Head of Commissioning, Sarah Burt, has personal experience of St Luke’s Hospice. Sarah said, “Earlier this year a close family member was diagnosed with terminal cancer which was a very distressing time. We wanted her to have the best end of life care possible and felt that the care at St Luke’s was excellent with the staff making her feel truly special whilst also caring for our family members during such a difficult time.”

To sponsor Sarah and her colleagues do the walk you can visit https://www.justgiving.com/teams/ccgnightstrider2016.

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