Keeping staff healthy over winter

165 CCG staff had their annual flu jab this winter protecting themselves, their families and their patients against the illness.

The HR team worked with occupational health to encourage CCG staff to have the jab as part of the national seasonal flu campaign for NHS staff. It is important that as many staff as possible are protected against the virus, to reduce staff sickness and to make us as productive and resilient as possible over the winter period.

By having the flu vaccination at work, delivered by the occupational health nurse, it is more convenient for staff and promotes a healthier workplace.

The CCG also ran a public flu campaign to encourage people eligible for a free flu vaccine to take up the offer.  The vaccine is offered to people who are at risk of developing serious complications if they get flu, such as people with heart and kidney disease, asthma and diabetes, the over 65s and pregnant women. It is also offered to children via a nasal spray and is available for two- and three-year-olds plus children in reception class and school years one, two, three and four.

You might also also be eligible for a free flu jab - please visit the NHS England website for more information.

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