Promoting equal access to cancer care and support across Sheffield

The ‘pop-up’ cancer information hub, hosted in the Moor Market and launched on the 12 December, brings together a host of the city’s best loved good causes including Age UK Sheffield, Sheffield Clinical Commission Group (CCG), Cavendish Cancer Care and the Cancer Support Centre to provide much needed information to customers.

The Moor Market innovation was the brainchild of Macmillan Nurse Louise Metcalfe: “Having the shop at the Moor Market is an ideal place for people to talk about cancer and find out about some of the fantastic services available across Sheffield. People can feel intimidated walking into a GP surgery or hospital setting and asking for help. Our shop is completely informal and we just want people to pop in for a chat with us while they’re picking up their shopping.

“A cancer diagnosis affects every aspect of life, but by bringing together lots of different charities we’ll have information on emotional, physical and financial support available for people.”

Maddy Ruff, Accountable Officer at NHS Sheffield CCG said: “We are delighted to be supporting the pop up cancer information hub. By having it in this busy area of the city centre we hope it will raise awareness of the services available to people affected by cancer amongst communities that would not typically access them but who face some of the worst experiences of cancer.”

Funded by a Macmillan Cancer Bid, the cancer hub aims to empower all patients across the city to live the best lives possible at all stages of their cancer journey.

For more information please visit the webpage.

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