Quarterly meetings take place between NHS England (South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw) and Sheffield CCG to discuss progress.  Following each meeting, feedback is provided to the CCG by NHS England. 

Feedback from Quarter 4 (Jan - Mar 2014) - our meeting with NHS England   

It is clear that the CCG has had a positive first year and should be proud of what it has achieved. 

The CCG has demonstrated evidence against the six assurance domains and has delivered the majority of the NHS Constitution measures. Click here to view the full letter from NHS England. 

The challenge remains in relation to the sustainability of the referral to treatment waiting times along with 2014/15 and 2015/16 financial position.

Eleri de Gilbert,  Director (South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw)


This is a printable version of https://www.sheffieldccg.nhs.uk/our-information/feedback-from-nhs-england.htm?pr=