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Home | Involve Me | Have Your Say | HealthCentres | Frequently Asked Questions

We want you to have more care closer to your home...

Frequently Asked Questions

 Health Centres

What are the benefits of the proposed health centres?


 Why were these particular areas chosen for the health centres?


Why isn’t my area benefiting from this money/a new health centre?


What’s wrong with the current building, I like it?


Have public transport networks been considered in the location of the centre?


Will there be free parking at the centres?


Why can’t the practices just remain as they are in their buildings and the centres be an additional building/resource?


What additional services will be offered at the centres?


Will there be appointments at the centres on evenings and weekends?


Will any hospital services be offered in the centres?


Will all the GP practices be in the same building? And will they still be individual practices or merging?


Won’t these be empty buildings like the LIFT buildings?


If patients have to travel further to access GP services, won’t this widen health inequalities/ worsen health?


Isn’t this about saving money?


You haven’t left long to engage, are you genuinely interested in listening to the public?


You said you haven’t made a decision, yet for some centres, there is only one preferred location.


Who will own the buildings?


How were the plans developed?


Moving practices

I have COPD/I’m disabled and would find it difficult to go further – what if I can’t get there?


I can walk to my practice now but if it moves will have a long bus journey – how am I supposed to find the additional time/money to get there?


Will I still be a patient at my current practice?


Will I still get to see my own GP?


Will it be harder for me to get an appointment as the centre will be bigger with lots more patients?


Our practice is great so why are you moving/changing it?


What will happen to the practice building as it is a big part of our community?


Branch practices

Will I be able to get an appointment at a branch practice of these practices like Flowers Health Centre?


Will any practice staff lose their jobs?


Will I have to re-register with my practice?


Are there any alternative GP practices if I don’t want to go to the centre?


Will patients be engaged with / have their say?


Who is running the consultation and who makes the final decision?


When will a decision be made?

[Image - NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group]

722 Prince of Wales Road
S9 4EU

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