FOI Ref: 0073FOI1920 

26th July 2019

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information 

We are pleased to respond to your request for information and our response is set out below: 

Request/ Response

I would like to make a Freedom of Information request on below-mentioned questions which are related to the components of Primary Care Network.

An excel sheet with the same questions are also attached with the email for your convenience.

1. Name of CCG

NHS Sheffield CCG

2. Name of every primary care network in that CCG’s patch

This information is publicly available and can be found here: (page 7)

3. Name of each PCN’s clinical director/s

This information is publicly available, please see question 2 for further details. 

4. Name of each deputy clinical director/other PCN leadership figure that PCNs in your area have decided to use

Each PCN has identified a management lead, this information is publicly available, please see question 2 for further details.

5. Name of each constituent practice

This information is publicly available, please see question 2 for further details.

6. Each practice’s code

Please see enclosed spreadsheet. Note however that this information is publicly available here:

7. Size of patient list of each constituent practice

This information is publicly available, please see question 2 for further details.

8. The identity of the nominated payee (e.g. the name of the GP practice or Federation that fills this role)

The spreadsheet enclosed provides details of the nominated payee of each PCN.


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