This website is no longer being updated.

NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group has been legally dissolved and from 1 July 2022 has been replaced by a new organisation: NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (SY ICB). NHS South Yorkshire ICB is now responsible for commissioning and funding of health and care services locally. Please go to our new website for information about the work of NHS South Yorkshire ICB and details about how to contact us.

Thank you.

We want you to have more care closer to your home...



25th September 2019 

Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Request for Information 

We are pleased to respond to your request for information and our response is set out below: 

Request/ Response 

I am making a formal application under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) to obtain the following information: 

1. The total number of Continuing Health Care (CHC) packages delivered in the individuals own homes (not care homes or residential facilities), that were managed in the financial year 18/19 (excluding any individual packages under £1,000 per week). 

Total number was 76. 

2. The total value of CHC spend in the financial year 18/19 and for this to be broken down to show spend with third-party providers (Non-NHS bodies) 





Total CHC Spend 


Please see enclosed spreadsheet for further breakdown - 0107FOI1920 (chc figures)

3. Total number and value of emergency funded care (outside of CHC funded) packages. 

The CCG is not able to provide this data.  

4. Who is the main point of contact at the CCG responsible for commissioning Continuing Health Care packages in the following areas: 

  • Mental Health 
  • Paediatrics 
  • Adult 

Dani Hydes, Head of CHC, Service Improvement, Development and Business Delivery. 

NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group

722 Prince of Wales Road
S9 4EU

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