Support and advice over the phone

The Prescription Order Line has expanded this year, and now offers a centralised telephone line for patients registered at 14 GP practices across Sheffield – serving around 130,000 patients.

This telephone line allows people to order their repeat prescriptions over the phone, and aims to reduce the amount of unwanted medicines, improve patients’ safety and promote health across Sheffield. A recent patient satisfaction survey highlighted that 93% of patients would recommend the service to friends and family.

Patients using the service have commented on its convenience and welcomed the chance to discuss any queries, with one even commenting that it was “the best idea the NHS has had in ages!”

Reaching 125,000 calls

In October, the team achieved another milestone for the service by managing over 125,000 calls since the service started in April 2016. Support Assistant Lizzie Hilbert said: “As a team we feel really proud to have achieved this milestone, and to have given all these patients a quality service”.

For more information, and to share your views on the service, please visit the Prescription Order Line page.

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