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How are we doing?

CCG Assurance 2015/16


The CCG Assurance framework for 2015/16 reflects the considerable changes in the NHS environment since CCGs were authorised in 2013. The five components of the new assurance framework are:

  1. Well led organisation
  2. Delegated functions
  3. Finance
  4. Performance
  5. Planning

In assessing CCG’s against each of these five component areas, NHS England are using the following categories to describe how CCGs are performing:- 


The 2015/16 Annual Assurance Assessment will take place during April 2016 and the outcome is expected to be published here during May.


Assessment Outcomes from Previous Years:


During 2014/15 CCGs were assessed against the 6 dimensions of the NHS England CCG Assurance Framework (as set out below):

Sheffield CCG’s overall Annual Assessment for 2014/15 was confirmed as ASSURED WITH SUPPPORT. 

This reflects the challenges experienced in Sheffield, as also experienced nationally during 2014/15, with regard to demand on A&E and wider hospital services, and the impact on waiting times for patients to be seen and treated.

It is important to note that this assessment of "Assured with support" indicates that NHS England remain generally assured of the CCG's position against the 6 dimensions of the 2014/15 NHS England CCG Assurance Framework and in 5 of the 6 domains the CCG was assessed as "Assured".



[Image - NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group]

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