This website is no longer being updated.

NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group has been legally dissolved and from 1 July 2022 has been replaced by a new organisation: NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (SY ICB). NHS South Yorkshire ICB is now responsible for commissioning and funding of health and care services locally. Please go to our new website for information about the work of NHS South Yorkshire ICB and details about how to contact us.

Thank you.

We want you to have more care closer to your home...

Disclosure Log 2019/20

FOI Responses 2019/20 continued (page 4 of 5)

0151FOI1920 (Telehealth)
0152FOI1920 (Contact details)
0153FOI1920 (Continuing Healthcare (CHC) assessment forms)
0154FOI1920 (Primary Care Networks)
0155FOI1920 (Agency staff and spend)
0156FOI1920 (Out of hours and NHS 111 service)
0157FOI1920 (Transforming care, children)
0158FOI1920 (Talking therapies)
0159FOI1920 (Specialist residential placements, adults and children)
0160FOI1920 (External consultants)
0161FOI1920 (Bring your own device)
0162FOI1920 (Primary Care Networks)
0163FOI1920 (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
0164FOI1920 (Approved Provider)
0165FOI1920 (GP printer cartridges) 
0166FOI1920 (Pilot schemes) 
0167FOI1920 (NHS 111 service)
0168FOI1920 (External market)
0169FOI1920 (STPs and ICS leadership) 
0170FOI1920 (Independent sector eye procedures)
0171FOI1920 (Diabetes education)
0172FOI1920 (Individual Funding Requests (IFR) for cannabis based products)
0173FOI1920 (Dentoavleoar trauma funding)
0174FOI1920 (MSK)
0175FOI1920 (GPs and registers of interests)
0176FOI1920 (Transcranial magnetic simulation)
0177FOI1920 (MSK commissioning)
0178FOI1920 (Medicines optimisation in care homes)
0179FOI1920 (Abortion waiting times)
0180FOI1920 (Primary Care Networks)
0181FOI1920 (Primary Care Networks)
0182FOI1920 (Human Resources information)
0183FOI1920 (CHC Policy)
0184FOI1920 (IFRs - Hip, Knee, Hernia, Cataract)
0185FOI1920 (IT systems)
0186FOI1920 (Audiology services)
0187FOI1920 (Woodhill Grange)
0188FOI1920 (GP practice closures/ GPs leaving)
0189FOI1920 (Personal Health Budgets)
0190FOI1920 (Eating disorders)
0191FOI1920 (Budgets and expenditures)
0192FOI1920 (Glucogen)
0193FOI1920 (Procurement and contracting)
0195FOI1920 (Complex care)
0196FOI1920 (Continuous glucose monitoring)
0197FOI1920 (CHC process)
0198FOI1920 (Unallocated NHS England funding)
0199FOI1920 (Pharmaceutical spend)
0200FOI1920 (Extended hours) 

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NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group

722 Prince of Wales Road
S9 4EU

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